Dear my friends abroad
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast of tomorrow in Japan time, because I am sleepy now.
The seeds that dropped from the "Bicolored Weeping Peach" on the artificial mound for plants began to bloom like this. But, the flower colors are different from its parent, as you can see, it is red and dapple of pink. By the way, the parents are pink and white.
The reason why the trunk is crooked is that when it was a year old, I bent it little by little and tied it with string to prevent it from going back to its original shape. When I untied the string a few months later, it remained bent. It will continue to grow like this for the rest of its life. The shape of the tree is quite impressive.
Similarly, in the case of humans, children do not necessarily have to live the same way as their parents, but their lives can bloom in a different way.
On the other hand, if we give children a firm direction while they are young, they will continue to grow. In any case, Bicolored Genpei weeping peaches gently weep and show gorgeous colors, and they support me who live alone. I give water every day.
« 今日から巣立ちの第一歩・・・・・新一年生 | トップページ | 若き日の「思い出」一つ »
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