Dear my friends abroad
We live in a time which hasn't beginning or end on the Earth, floating in space. Just recently, as soon as the year 6 of Reiwa (2024) began, a major earthquake occurred in the Noto-Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture on New Year's Day. Therefore, I wondered what would happen this year. Today marks the end of the fifth month of this year, so time flies.
In my Gumma Prefecture, it rained a lot from last night to this morning, and plants such as lilies are enjoying the warm season. Like these lilies, I want to live a lively life both physically and mentally.
By the way, Just today, I planted a fig seedling in my backyard. I used to eat figs a lot as a child, so that still now, I couldn't forget how delicious they were, so I planted a fig seedling again after more than half a century.
Tomorrow, I will take care of my two granddaughters (grade 4 and grade 1), so I will take them to some unusual places in Gumma Prefecture to stimulate their brains.
« 室内の空気をきれいに・・・基本は床掃除 | トップページ | 季節は鬱陶しくとも、気持ちは爽やかに! »
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