Dear my friends abroad
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
We tend to think that space is bright, but when we look at photo of Earth's daytime regions, we can recognize that space is really dark. Only the parts of the earth that are exposed to sunlight are bright, similar to a full moon floating in a dark sky.
As you know, the distance between the sun and the earth is said to be approximately 150 million km, and because the earth is floating at the suitable distance from the sun, the temperature is also suitable so that people on earth can survive. The Earth's orbit is thought to be elliptical, and this fact can be recognized by the occurrence of annular and total solar eclipses of the sun. Additionally, thanks to the fact that the Earth's axis continues to revolve with tilt at the angle of approximately 23.4 degrees, therefore we have four seasons.
Normally, we tend to live without being conscious of the fact that we are floating in space, but sometimes when we look at photos from the ISS, we realize that the Earth is surrounded by clouds and oceans, and it rains, so there is a lot of water on the ground. Trees photosynthesize, resulting in the production of food and oxygen, which allows us to live.
Approximately 8 billion people currently live on this irreplaceable earth. But are humans stupid? No matter how much history we look at, since the ancient times to the present, wars continue to rage here and there. In Japan, today is the anniversary of the Constitution day pledging to renounce war. Now, world peace rests upon the hands of excellent leaders.
By the way, the other day, I gave my granddaughter [4th grade of elementary school] a celestial globe and English karuta which is Japanese cards as a birthday present. In addition to learning about the proportion of land and ocean, the location of countries in the world, and the tilt of the earth's axis, for her learning that only 2% of the people on earth speak Japanese, so it is indispensable for her to learn English. We are living on our planet floating in space that continues to rotate and revolve. I hope she can know it. The happiest thing is that we can enjoy music because we live on Earth.
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« 茶から学ぶ商いの心・・・上毛新聞「みんなのひろば」より | トップページ | 南国のように「枝が横に広がる樹木」を植える »
投稿: 時計屋の隣り | 2024年5月 3日 (金) 06時35分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年5月 3日 (金) 10時45分