Dear my Facebook friends abroad
Just a month and a half ago, in March, we had a series of cold days, so unlike usual, not only cherry blossoms but also peach blossoms started blooming about two weeks later in our nation. However, during Japanese Golden Week, the temperature was already close to 30 degrees Celsius, so that we forgot how cold it was in March.
However, from today onwards, it seems that the rain will continue north of the Kanto region, as if it were a harbinger of the rainy season. As a result, our physical condition tends to be unable to keep up with the changes in temperature in this season.
During this season, there are two things to be careful about in our daily life. One is to avoid catching a cold. If you accidentally take a nap, you will hurt your throat. So, shamefully, I myself have a sore throat.
The other thing is that we are already in the season for food poisoning. Don't put too much faith in your refrigerator and don't stock up on perishables. As the days pass, the raw seaweed of wakame will start to melt. The color of mozuku also fades over time. Therefore, we have to use it as soon as possible after purchasing.
However, the natural world is well-balanced, for instance, the yellow sand from the Asian continent and pollen from cedar and cypress trees, which we worried about before, have decreased, and the air has become fresher. With the exception of Shakuyak peonies which I indicated yesterday, my favorite flowers have decreased, but as you see, the trees are turning green deeply and the plums are getting bigger day by day. Once the rain stops temporarily, I would like to go outside, breathe in the fresh air, move my body, and maintain and strengthen the flexibility of muscles.
« 地球温暖化を肌で感じる昨今 | トップページ | 「カッキー髪が黒いね」と褒められる »
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緑雨(みどりあめ) 新茶の香り 満ちる朝
緑雨(りょくう)で 淹れたき新茶の 静かなり
投稿: 青々園 | 2024年5月 7日 (火) 08時25分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年5月 7日 (火) 10時22分