Dear my friends throughout the world
After spending a year caring by me, the "peony" of Shakuyaku finally bloomed beautifully. It was fine this morning, so I put it outside, but she was exposed to direct sunlight in the afternoon, and the petals had wilted considerably. A flower like her would probably be best suited for semi-shade under the tree. Starting tomorrow, I will "be in her mind of a peony" and set the place appropriately.
I immediately put her inside the entrance and gave her plenty of water at the root, as a result, she started to recover a little, so I was relieved to the core. In fact, this peony has just begun to bloom, so not many people see it. It would be a waste if the flowers stopped like this.
Because peony is bulb, so she will bloom every year without doing. Sunset is especially hot, therefore, if a human being exposed to direct sunlight for even an hour, it can be harmful to our health. I realized now that some plants do better in the sun, while others hate direct sunlight like her.
« 結局は繰り返し使うことか。・・・・英単語の記憶術 | トップページ | 防空壕の中で育ててくれた母 »
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