Dear my friends abroad
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
This morning, I finally finished reading the "Tensei Jingo VOX POPULI VOX DEI 2023 winter" issue. This book contains three months' worth of information (approximately 90 days' worth) written in Japanese and English, and is published four times a year. Many of this readers are foreigners living in Japan who are said to be "studying Japanese." That's why the kanji of Chinese characters have rubies.
I'm Japanese, so I read English texts after Japanese texts and learn English new phrases and words. As you know, the content deals with all fields in the world, from world affairs to history and art, and is said to be written by three people in rotation. Even newspaper's company, the article sometimes criticizes the government.
I have been reading "Tensei Jingo" for about 40 years so far, and my purpose is to learn the latest English sentences and to learn English vocabulary and idioms. During my active years, I interacted with the AET teachers and sometimes went to beer gardens with them and had fun. However, they are now back in their home countries, such as England and New Zealand, so that we are communicating through Facebook.
By the way, I'm trying to seeking an effective way to memorize English words fixedly in my brain so I can use them, but I can't remember because of my age. Still, I keep telling myself, "It's absolutely necessary for me," but in the end I incorporate "repetition, actually using it on Facebook," and "speaking it out loud and listening to it." If you have a good mnemonics, please let me know.
« 庭で美味しそうに飲んでます。 | トップページ | 直射日光に弱い・・・シャクヤクの大輪 »
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