Dear my friends who like Japanese green onion
What's going on? Recently, the price of green onions has skyrocketed in supermarkets in Takasaki-city, costing as much as 90 yen per stalk. Because of this, on my way to the day-trip hot spring "Ushibuse Dream Center" in Yoshii-town, I stopped off at the agricultural cooperative supermarket named "Mikkemon" in Fujioka-City and found a bunch of green onions for 150 yen. Prices vary greatly depending on the location.
My lunch is usually udon noodle, soba, or bread, so today I am planning to have udon, so that I needed green onion as a condiment, so this was cheap and helpful.
However, afterwards, I went to the day-trip hot spring "Ushibuse Dream Center" on my drive, but it was closed. Still, I needed to move the car due to battery issues, so I was glad I was able to drive.
« 月面から見る地球の満ち欠けを想像する | トップページ | 6月5日、今日は二十四節気の「芒種」です。 »
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