Dear my overseas friends who consider that photosynthesis is indispensable
A new lily has bloomed with four flowers at once. Though it's the rainy season, it's hot and humid and people's feelings tend to depress. In this circumstance, I can't help but stare at the big pink flowers that have bloomed. She is so lively. It's as if she is admonishing me, who lives a husky life every day, to "live a relaxed and dignified life."
As you know, the pistil is in the center of the flower, and there are six brown stamens surrounding it, which butterflies and insects fly to and pollinate. If you look closely the photo, you will see that the lower petals are colored. This is evidence that insects have come. On the other hand, there are six petals, but the three larger ones, and the three slightly smaller ones between them were originally buds.
Not change the subject, but the rainy season is no longer one in which it rains continuously every day like in the past. It rains and then the midsummer sun pours down. This increases the activity of "photosynthesis," which is good for plant growth. As a result, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air, produce oxygen, as a result, it allow us humans to live.
Whenever possible, we should avoid filling our gardens with concrete and create an environment filled with plants. I believe this is the greatest gift which we can give to our future generations.
« 今の時代、入浴料200円は安い | トップページ | ・・・・・「ノーメディア 今日は家族と 会話しよう」・・・・・ これは母校・倉賀野中学校前に大きく掲げられている標語です。 »
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« 今の時代、入浴料200円は安い | トップページ | ・・・・・「ノーメディア 今日は家族と 会話しよう」・・・・・ これは母校・倉賀野中学校前に大きく掲げられている標語です。 »
投稿: 銭五の浜 | 2024年6月25日 (火) 06時31分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年6月25日 (火) 09時06分