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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« いよいよ本格的に咲き出したサルスベリ・・・現在、八分咲き | トップページ | 玄関への道を塞いでる多くの柿の実 »

2024年8月 1日 (木)


 倉賀野町上4公園では NHKのラジオ体操放送に併せ、既に10年ほど前からラジオ体操会を行ってます。 今朝は山形県 朝日町からの生放送でした。私の場合、会場まで行くのに徒歩10分、ラジオ体操10分、帰宅に徒歩10分ですから、朝食前に30分間、毎日、身体を動かしてるので結果的に空腹になり、英語の諺、Hunger is the best sauceが実践でき、朝食が美味しく戴けます。
Dear my friends who are seeking for real health
 In Kuragano-town at Kami-4th Park, we have been holding radio gymnastics events for about 10 years in conjunction with NHK's radio gymnastics broadcast. This morning, it was broadcast live from Asahi-cho in Yamagata Prefecture. In my case, it takes me 10 minutes to walk to the venue, 10 minutes to do radio gymnastics, and 10 minutes to walk home, so I exercise for 30 minutes every day before breakfast, which makes me hungry, and I practice the English proverb, "Hunger is the best sauce," and enjoy my breakfast.
 As a result, I have the opportunity to exchange greetings with my friends there and talk about various topics, which is very beneficial for me who lives alone. Although only men are in the photo, about 30 middle-aged and elderly people gather every morning, with slightly more ladies. One of the participants was a 92-year-old lady who used to do Japanese dance, and even now she has good posture and her gymnastics movements are youthful, so I have to follow her way of life.
 In the summer, the sun is so hot that people avoid the center of the park and instead they are enjoying their exercises in the shade to listening to the sound of the piano. If I have the chance next time, I would like to play the piano accompaniment and hold a radio gymnastics session in a large room.
 By the way, even when we move all day, we tend to use the same muscles only. However, it is said that there are more than 600 muscles in the human's body, including both large and small. Therefore, radio gymnastics are very useful for consciously moving many of them. For example, in our daily lives, we rarely twist our bodies left and right, jump, lean back, or move the muscles in our backs. Nothing is more important for maintaining human life than healthy muscles, and we express our thoughts and feelings through our muscles.

« いよいよ本格的に咲き出したサルスベリ・・・現在、八分咲き | トップページ | 玄関への道を塞いでる多くの柿の実 »





« いよいよ本格的に咲き出したサルスベリ・・・現在、八分咲き | トップページ | 玄関への道を塞いでる多くの柿の実 »
