Dear my friends throughout the world
I feel that there is a solution if we try various ways. The trunk of a large crepe myrtle in my garden is 8m in diameter from branch to branch, and the "little red ants" build their nests inside it. If this situation continues, the trunk will be eaten away over a long period and the tree's vigor may deteriorate.
As you know, black ants which have been in Japan since ancient times, build their nests underground, but the "little red ants" build their nests inside the trunk of the tree, of course which was a big problem for me, and I tried various ways, but I could still see thousands of them climbing up the trunk in a line and entering their nests. They may be hibernating inside the trunk in winter, I guess.
As I wrote the other day, as a countermeasure, I tried wrapping the trunk with gummed tape with the sticky side up. Since then, I have been checking the situation every day, and it seems that my method has finally won out. The "little red ants" that had been climbing up the trunk in a line have not been seen. However, if the gummed tape loses its adhesive power, they may start climbing again. For this reason, I plan to replace the gummed tape regularly for a while, but I am really relieved with this results.
Not change the subject, but this crepe myrtle is currently in full bloom, and as the many flowers and buds are heavy, as you can see, the tips of the branches droop during flowering, which also creates an elegant shape. Being tall, I bow my head and duck underneath. In the future, I would like to continue to think of solutions to my own declining memory of English words, as well as the trees, and to think of and practice various measures to maintain my health, so that I can spend the autumn that begins tomorrow in good health.
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« 卵を抱いてる七面鳥・・・もうすぐ雛が孵る | トップページ | 北京駅から内モンゴル間の長距離列車内で流れていた「北国の春」 »