Dear my weblog friends
Today I'm going to my favorite cafe "Sambo-michi" by the blue car. I expect it will be crowded around lunchtime, so I'd like to go in the evening. I went to the "Yoshii Ushibuse Dream Center" which is a day-spa.
Before noon, in the heat, I used a hose to give cold water for most of the plants. Water is from the well. They all seemed to come back to life, their leaves are turning a darker green and they seemed to have a lot of life. I also replaced the duct tape I put on the trunk of my crepe myrtle the other day, because it had lost its adhesive strength to exterminate harmful insects.
[Everyone, please drink water frequently.] You needn't buy cold water at the convenience store. If you put tap water in a plastic bottle and chill it in the fridge, you'll have delicious, cold water to drink.
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- 人間も植物も充分な水分補給を(2024.08.02)