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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 猛暑の午後・・・涼しい「さんぼ道」で自己を取り戻す | トップページ | 猛暑の日々、サルスベリから得る色彩美 »

2024年8月 3日 (土)

Tonight, I'm going to Takasaki to drink draft beer. It's really rare, so please forgive me tonight.

Dear my friends abroad
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my radio gymnastics held in the nearby park and breakfast in Japan time.
    There are a lot of persimmons growing, and their weight caused to hang over the path to the entrance, so this situation is making it impossible for people to pass through. However, yesterday evening, I worked to pull the branches sideways with tape and push them up higher with bamboo poles.
 New shoot appeared from the original trunk, and I nurtured them, but it is still thin and unreliable trunks. However, the amount of nutrients from the roots remains the same as before, so there are a lot of persimmons. At the moment, it is difficult to distinguish because the persimmons and leaves are the same green, but there are quite a few. I guess more than 50 persimmons. I just counted them again and found 70, so including the ones I missed, there are probably around 80 in total.
 They will be ready to be picked and eaten in early November, so there are still three months left. When the fruits start to color, wild birds will come, so this year I will find a way to prevent them from being eaten.
 Not change the subject, but it looks like it will be extremely hot in Gumma Prefecture again today. Let's all stay hydrated to prevent heatstroke and get through the hot summer. As I wrote yesterday, we needn't go out to buy cold water; we can fill a plastic bottle with tap water and chill it in the refrigerator to make delicious cold water to drink. Tonight, I'm going to Takasaki to drink draft beer. It's really rare, so please forgive me tonight.  

« 猛暑の午後・・・涼しい「さんぼ道」で自己を取り戻す | トップページ | 猛暑の日々、サルスベリから得る色彩美 »





« 猛暑の午後・・・涼しい「さんぼ道」で自己を取り戻す | トップページ | 猛暑の日々、サルスベリから得る色彩美 »
