Dear my overseas friends
It was a little cold today in Japan, but I gathered fallen leaves and dead grass at the garden and worked alone in silence to maintain the garden. If there were two people working together, we would chat about various topics, but I can't help it.
When I was a child, I was the youngest child in a family of eight, so that our home was very lively. Since then, three new members have joined the family, but now my two daughters became independent and I no longer spend time together, I have come to realize that life is happiest when we have a family, The damage is done.
By the way, the fruit of the plant in the photo is really deep red, and it attracts the attention of people passing by. When I am asked what the plant is called, I answer, "It looks just like the name of this town, Kuraganomachi." In other words, it is a Kuroganemochi that means Japanese silverleaf. It is getting bigger every year, so if it grows into a giant tree and bears this deep red fruit, it will be amazing. I want to live until I see it.
Today, I had lunch for the first time at my usual cafe, Sampo-michi. It is unusual for me to eat lunch outside. Dinner, which includes one drink, is very often.
« 近未来が楽しみ・・・サクランボが収穫できるか | トップページ | 「倉賀野」という地名の由来を考える »
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