懸命に 短い一生 生きている
Dear my friends who like nature and family
Among the trees in my garden, robust cicadas are singing together with brown cicadas. However, the robust cicada is very nervous instinctively, even if I make a slight noise or come near to her, the rhythm of her sound becomes slower and the sound becomes smaller, then she immediately escape to somewhere.
In this respect, the brown cicada do not seem to care much about the changes in the outside world. This is probably because there are many species. After all, since the absolute number of robust cicada is small, she seems that her instinct to detect danger is sharp due to the preservation of species for the future.
By the way, I was busy this morning. This is because my second daughter who lives in Maebashi, called me during my breakfast and she noticed this morning that "the car key was still inside the car" , so she can't go to her workplace. After all I sent to her workplace, and her daughters to nursery school and schoolchild as well.
Everyone, please be aware of the key. This is a pun due to the same pronunciation between key and kiotsukete that means take care in our tongue. The temperature in Takasaki and Maebashi will be 40 ° C today.
※For the Japanese people上の英文をネイティヴの発音で聴くには、英文をドラッグして、コピーし、左サイドの「英文をネイティヴの発音で聴く」に貼り付けてください。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。