狂い咲き 良いこと起こる 兆候か
The other day, I was surprised that the wisteria bloomed madly in the garden, but this time, the cactus bloomed whether it was crazy or real. Cactus usually blooms around the summer solstice. If possible, is it a sign that something good will happen to me? At any rate, I expect the end of summer about my life. Today is "Shosho" that is one of the 24 solar calendars in japan. Yesterday I wrote about this in connection with the revolution of the earth.
I attended a disaster prevention meeting of the district this afternoon. The stage will be held on September 7th. By the way, since I haven't driven the yellow car for a while, I will drive to the Yoshii Dream Center to keep the engine good condition, and then I will take an outdoor bath. This is the first time to go there since the beginning of August.