かぼちゃの栄養は 炭水化物、β-カロテン、ビタミンC、食物繊維を含み、高エネルギーの栄養食品であり、抗酸化作用や免疫機能あるβ-カロテンの含有量は、野菜の中でもトップクラス。 β-カロテンは粘膜の抵抗力を高めて細菌の感染を予防する。検索すると以上のように書いてあります。
Pumpkin nutrition contains carbohydrates, β-carotene, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, and is a high-energy nutritional food. The content of β-carotene including antioxidant and immune functions is one of the highest among vegetables. β-carotene increases resistance of membrane and prevents bacterial infection. When I search, it is written as above.
When I was a child with a shortage of food after World War Ⅱ, my parents raised pumpkins in the garden to feed me. However, I do not understand cooking method now. Please tell me. Is it possible to be a side dish for alcoholic drink?