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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板


2024年6月 1日 (土)


Dear my friends abroad
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my radio gymnastics held in the nearby park and breakfast in Japan time.
 The bougainvillea bloomed again this year, this plant is reminding me of my youth in India at Calcutta-city. At first glance, she looks like a beautiful pink flower, but in fact, most of the pink is made up of thin leaves, so that the real flower is small and blooming among them. However, she also has blue leaves. Therefore she is a mysterious plant. The bougainvillea is bright pink, and people passing by on the path in front of the garden stop to look at it. Because of this, I was able to talk to a stranger yesterday.
 As you know, since she is a tropical plant, so she has withered because she could not withstand the cold of Japanese winters. I plan to build a greenhouse for plants this fall, so in addition to bougainvillea, plants that are sensitive to the cold, such as amaryllis, hibiscus, foxglove, amaryllis, and western rhododendron, will spend the winter there.
 Not change the subject, but today is the first day of June. It is sunny in my Gumma Prefecture this morning for the first time in a while. However, it will be the rainy season, and the temperature is high and it is humid, so I should be careful about food hygiene management so as not to get food poisoning.
 On the other hand, although it is a season that makes me feel depressed, I want to keep my home clean and stay healthy in body and mind until the end of the rainy season in mid-July. To that end, I sometimes take a drive to my favorite day spa to refresh both body and mind, and of course, sometimes I go to a familiar small tavern for dinner to change my mood, have a good conversation with friends, and get through the rainy season.

2024年5月25日 (土)


 自然はよくできており、このお陰で植物たちは緑色濃くなり、成長します。ご覧の幼木は実生から生えた「ねむの木」で2才です。剪定してませんが、生まれ持ったバランスの良い樹形を呈し、葉が成す緑陰と言い、絹糸のような細いピンクの花が咲き、人間の目に安らぎを与えます。このため「ねむの木」は英語でSilk Treeと言うようです。
Dear my overseas friends who are interested in plants and music
 Atmospheric high pressure from the Eurasian continent will cover the Japanese archipelago today, so it will be a little cooler than yesterday I guess. From now on, the continental high pressure and the Pacific high pressure will push against each other, and the seasonal rain front will remain stagnant for some time in between. In mid-July, the Pacific atmospheric high pressure finally breaks through, and marks the end of the rainy season in the Kanto region.
 Nature is well-organized, and because of this, plants turn green and grow. The young tree you see in the photo is a 2-year-old "nemu tree" that has grown from a seedling. Although it has not been pruned by me, it exhibits a naturally well-balanced tree shape, with the green shade created by the leaves and the thin pink flowers that look like silk threads, giving a sense of peace to the human's eye. For this reason, "Nemu no Ki" is called "Silk Tree" in English.
 The photo was taken yesterday afternoon, so the leaves have not yet closed in the photo. As its name suggests, the ``Nemu Tree'' has a sleep movement, and it is a mysterious plant that sleeps really soundly. The flowering scene from June to July is best described as "elegant."
 Not change the subject, but this year, I am the district officer (accounting auditor) as well as the neighborhood group leader named "hancho" in our tongue. I will attend the group leader meeting today.

2022年6月 8日 (水)

年重ね 美的なものに 惹かれます

Dear my friends who love flowers and music
 Perennials and lilies that bloom in bulb are convenient because they bloom every May to June without my intervention. Or it is semi-permanent.
 The photo shows a kind of dahlia named "Majore". this is almost like an elementary school student drew a picture, and the colors in the petals and the edges are different, so that the color arrangement is aesthetical.
 When I was a kid, my father liked dahlia, and during the summer he brought water from the river in front of the garden and watered it. I became the same age, I may have the same feelings as my father.
 Gumma prefecture has entered the rainy season, so I needn't watering the plants, but the plants are still growing, therefore natural phenomenon is appreciated.
 Thanks to nature, even as I get older (still 20's in my heart), I am fascinated by music and plants, and I am spending fairly fulfilling days.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/...

2021年7月10日 (土)

登校時 校歌の演奏 続けてる


 Due to rainfall, yesterday, I just went to the supermarket and stayed at home all day long. At 7:50 in the morning, Kuragano elementary school children passed in front of my house, so I played "Kuragano Elementary School Song" and a famous children's song titled "Rain Rain Rainfall" by the alto recorder as you see in the photo.
 On the other hand, I just piled soil on the artificial mountain to make an embankment by about 30 shovels in the light rain. It was quite a hard work. However, it never collapse even the embankment. I gave soil because there was not enough soil near the roots of "Bicolored Genpei Weeping Peach". Will the peach tree gain momentum next spring and bloom a lot?

 I walked around in the rooms for about 1000 meters. Teppo of Push Up which is like a sumo wrestler's training was also done indoors. Being hungry is the source of gastrointestinal health.


2021年6月19日 (土)

雨降って 更に色彩 増す美人

 ※ Yesterday, I had a lot of access to my blog. I deeply appreciate your support. I look forward to your continued access and comments, if possible.
 In Takasaki City, Gumma Prefecture, Japan, it rained heavily before dawn today, and I woke up to the roaring sound. It seems to tell the evidence, when I looked at the garden in the morning, three tall gladioli have fallen down. I immediately put up a stick and straightened them so as to lean on it.
 However, the rain makes the flowers more colorful. It turns out that rainwater is an important nutrient for plants. The leaves of the rhododendrons have come alive as well. Until now, I've been less interested in gladioli and lilies, but I'll raise them with more effort in the future.
 After all, I feel that the beauty of flowers lies in both their shape and color. If you are near including NZ, please come visit me.

2021年6月15日 (火)

夕立ちで 始まる梅雨入り 気候変動か

 The Kanto region in Japan has finally entered the rainy season, but yesterday afternoon there was a terrible severe shower with thunder. This way of rain was like the end of the rainy season of old days. After all, I feel a part of global climate change.
 However, thanks to that, it was convenient for gladiolus, and as you can see, pink flower buds came out. The picture was taken this morning by me. In fact, there are estimated 30 colorful gladioli in Tsukiyama that means artificial mountain for plants, and I'm looking forward to the coming season. In addition to this, various lilies are beginning to bloom in early summer from now on, so we can feel the changing seasons.
 On the other hand, without being beaten by these plants, I will continue to work hard on muscle training and brain training all day long.


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