生中継 予想外の 放送に
Dear my friends who like radio gymnastics
When I participated in the radio gymnastics in Kuragano-town 4th district this morning, the NHK radio gymnastics was broadcast live from Fukuoka prefecture.
As soon as the gymnastics started with the shout of the woman instructor and the sound of the piano, there was a noise with a garger jizzy, probably because the radio wave condition was not good. And the person in charge of us said, "Maybe the battery has run out. he tried to replace the battery. Really, it's hard for us to hear the broadcast like never before.
However, when I listened carefully to this live broadcast, I felt that the sensitivity was not bad, and that the live broadcast venue was in nature. So there might be a cicada's voice I guess.
Sure enough, on the way of gymnastics, the woman instructor said, "This morning, a lot of cicadas are ringing at this venue." The cicadas had a short life, and the males cicadas were calling the females so that cicada's singing were broadcast live from Fukuoka prefecture nationwide.
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